Monday, January 24, 2011

Just a Little Bit Famous

A few months ago I volunteered to participate in a photography project with the Utah Breastfeeding Coalition.  Timbra (Landslide Photography) was hired to photograph women nursing their children in various locations in Utah that have committed to supporting breastfeeding. I was originally assigned to meet her at a dark office building, but because of scheduling problems we had to (got to) change our location to a french bakery--much more my cup of tea. She did several fabulous posters (you can see more of them by visiting and looking at the Posters under the heading "Utah Opens Its Doors To Breastfeeding) and Sophia and I were on the one below! I love it when she reaches up and holds my hand while she nurses, so it was fun to have that captured.

One of her photos ended up as part of the "Call To Action To Support Breastfeeding" that the U.S. Surgeon General put out last week, and I was in it! If you 'd like to read the whole "Call To Action" you can visit the Surgeon General's website, but the page that Sophia and I are on is below. I realize that most people will never, ever see this, but still, it IS a national publication--from the Surgeon General of the United States!

Feeling just a little bit famous.


  1. Congrats to you AND Sophia! I would have never predicted that the Lisa Harper I know would become famous for lifting her shirt in public! hehe. Just kidding! What a great cause to support! I know how much you support breastfeeding, so it's fun to see a reward of all your hard work. Way to go!

  2. That is awesome Lisa! I fully support breastfeeding. I was once very good at it actually. I have three very smart and healthy kids to prove it.

  3. Glad you didn't have to do the shoot in a dark building, and glad to see that you are a little bit famous for being part of such a worthy cause! I remember little hands reaching up during breastfeeding when my kids were babies, too....

  4. So AWESOME!! I always knew you'd be featured in a national publication someday :o)

  5. that's great Lisa! It's funny, I think I was a little spoiled having my girls in Ithaca, NY, where breastfeeding is totally encouraged. I didn't feel like it was a big deal to breastfeed wherever I was, but now that I'm living in DC area, I can understand why some moms feel pressure not good for you for being so proactive at promoting it!

  6. Awesome stuff. I might have to get with you and have you teach me all the tricks again since it will have been nearly four years ago since I even attempted breastfeeding. I am excited to try and make it work. My goal is to make it to six months at least. So any and all info to help me out would be sweet. BTW, your pic looks great. Good on ya.

  7. Awesome stuff. I might have to get with you and have you teach me all the tricks again since it will have been nearly four years ago since I even attempted breastfeeding. I am excited to try and make it work. My goal is to make it to six months at least. So any and all info to help me out would be sweet. BTW, your pic looks great. Good on ya.


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