Saturday, March 19, 2011

Children's Discovery Museum and Anaheim Garden Walk

For Christmas Santa Claus brought us a certificate for passes to Disneyland! They were only three day passes (much to the kids dismay--they were holding out for an annual pass) but we were so excited to go and spend time with our family.

We stayed in a great condo (thanks to the generosity of Ry's parents) that was within walking distance of the Happiest Place on Earth. It was so fun to stay with Ryan's family, we always have a great time when we are with them.

One of the days that we were there Ryan's parents took the kids on the Anaheim Garden Walk which was very close to our condo. The kids love being with Bruce and Terri--they especially love going on walks with them. Terri took some fun pictures...

 Liv and Coleman love each other :) .

 I love Alyza's cute smile. She and Olivia had such a fun time together.

Coleman and Sam are rocking out on their air guitars. They've got some style, no? Lucy was looking cool in her shades too.

 This was also part of the garden walk, but was taken on our way home from Disneyland one night. For some reason Sophia didn't get in on the posing.

Bruce and Terri treated us to the Children's Discovery Museum. They had so many fun things to do--our kids LOVED it!

This was one of those contraptions with plastic needles, the kind you can make handprints and stuff in... but it was much taller than me. Coleman was going for the "Han Solo look" on the bottom left... gross that he opened his mouth, don't you think?

 We are much cuter in person than behind the plastic....

 Both Coleman and Olivia tried out the rock climbing wall and loved it.

 They also loved the Dino Quest exhibit and the many activities on the second floor.

This princess loved the first half hour or so and laughed and played, then promptly zonked out in her stroller for a good two and a half hours. She and I spent a quiet afternoon while Ryan and the older kids played with their cousins and grandparents. I guess I should have taken a book :).

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys had a fantastic time! A vacation sounds nice. Perhaps someday Santa will be so gracious to give us a trip to Southern California.


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