Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Frog of the Week

This cute boy is the "Frog of the Week" in his class (his teacher loves frogs). He gets to be the helper in class and today I got to go and visit and share a few things about Coleman.

We made a poster about the things Coleman likes to do.

I loved this writing assignment that was hanging in the hall... if Coleman were president he would make every school into a theme park and then turn everyone into giant gummy bears.

Coleman got to tell his class about his poster and then three of his classmates told us what they liked about him.They said that he is a good friend, is nice, and is good at reading. I love that his teacher said that he is a leader in their classroom and that he influences other kids to do good things.  We shared Laffy Taffys with all the kids because Coleman loves to laugh and is really good at making everyone around him happy.

I feel so lucky to be his mom!


  1. Coleman is awesome! I miss having him in my class this year.

  2. What a cute little frog and a fun way to celebrate Coleman!

  3. What a cute boy. I'm sure my boys would love hanging out with such a good guy.


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