Saturday, March 19, 2011

Good Friends and a Sunday Surprise

On Sunday morning we surprised the Reis kids at church. Carrie Beth told them they needed to be on time to church because they had to sing in Sacrament Meeting. They were shocked when we walked in (a bit late) and sat on the bench next to them. I love fun surprises like that.

Madison and Olivia could spend hours and hours together...

...and so could Carrie Beth and I...

...and Brandon and Coleman could too. Just look at those happy smiles!

We were so happy to spend the day with them! Good church time, yummy lunch, and great conversation.... what more could we ask for?

1 comment:

  1. How fun to see the Reis family!! I can't believe how big those kids have gotten! Carrie Beth looks great. I'm sure it was such a treat to have your cute family for a visit!


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