Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Honors Recital for Piano Festival

Olivia participated in a Solo Piano Festival over the last few weeks. She has worked hard for several months getting her songs ready, and played "Prairie Wind" (can't remember the composer) and "Ballade" by Friedrich Burgmuller. We were so glad that Grandma Jan and Grandpa Denver got to come and listen to her play both pieces.

She was invited to return for an Honors Recital to play "Ballade" last night.

It's so fun to see her play on the fancy grand piano!

My mom came down to listen... she was amazed at the talent of all of the children who played (all elementary age).  Olivia even got a cash award!

A little video of her song....

We are proud of all of your hard work Olivia!


  1. Way to go Liv! That was very good! You have worked very hard at developing a great talent that you can enjoy for years to come!

  2. You did an outstanding job. You have such a gift and I'm grateful to be your teacher. cs


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