Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Long Road Home

We left our condo with two more destinations before we could head home...

Olivia loves her American Girl dolls and we thought it would be fun to surprise her with a stop at the American Girl store. As we walked through the store she said, "This is a girl paradise!" It was fun to see her get so excited about all of the girly things they had there.

She was so excited to be there! Times like these I wish I had a load of money to dump on meaningless things just for the sake of buying them. I know that happiness doesn't come from stuff... but I still think it's fun to buy things.

Our last stop was for Coleman. He kept telling us that he wanted to see the Hollywood sign and although it wasn't really on the way, we made a special trip for him.

We thought this sign was hilarious close to the viewing spot.

When we got there Coleman unleashed his plan (that I know had been percolating in that little brain of his for a long, long time). He wanted to "hold" the Hollywood sign (a la Pyramid stealing from the movie "Despicable Me") so we took a few pictures until we got it just right.

Here are our cute kids that did great on the ride home.... Soph-a-Loaf did okay too, save for one minor meltdown somewhere between Vegas and St. George.

We had a fun, fun trip! Thanks to all of our family that made it extra special!


  1. Lisa,
    I love your blog. You are great parents..I believe it is the memories of time that they will cherish....and doing the little things...Holly wood sign, american girls doll.
    Kudos to you and Raymond!

  2. You are so good to take your time to get home and stop and make that long drive fun. We usually just plow through with our endless movie marathons in the car. You are such a fun family!

  3. Raymond... Hmmm (*raises eyebrow in interest*) :D

  4. We are on our way to Cali in April. We may have to take the long road home because I would love to show Stella the American Girls store. I loved the one in New York!


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