Sunday, April 17, 2011

80 Years Young

This cute Grandma Cole of mine turned 80 years old today. She is such an amazing woman! We have a close relationship... I feel so blessed to be a part of her posterity. I love her toasted cheese sandwiches and home canned peaches. I love talking to her on the phone. I love going to lunch with her. I love getting cards in the mail with her clear, perfect handwriting. I love that she remembers the treats that my kids love and that she always seems to have a little something on hand for them (including entire boxes of candy canes for Coleman). I love that she says things how they are (just yesterday she told Ryan he must be some kind of special to put up with me!) and doesn't mince words. I love that she loves me and tells me so. I love that she is my grandma!

She wanted to spend the day with her family--her kids and grandkids and great-grandkids. She wanted to do a temple session together, so we started out the day with a session at the Jordan River Temple. It was great to be there with my aunts and cousins and a few of my siblings and my mom... above are Lindsey, me, my mom, David, and Katty...

 ,,,and Ryan of course! Then we went to a church for a really nice luncheon that my aunts prepared.

 Four generations... me, Sophia, my dad, and my grandma.

 Here are my grandma and grandpa with their four kids--Dianne, Michael, Stan, and Channa.

I didn't get any pictures of Erin at the park, so I made her pose with me at the luncheon :).

My favorite part of the luncheon was a tribute that my aunt Channa did for her... she told her life story and talked about the legacy of love, faith, and service she had given to each of us. She has spent her life loving her family and friends (and we all love her!), showing faith in Jesus Christ, and serving all around her. My aunt Dianne made these cute stacking blocks for all of us.

I am so grateful for my wonderful, amazing, beautiful, talented, generous, and loving Grandma Cole.


  1. Your grandmother is beautiful. She reminds me A LOT of mine. Cherish every moment with her.

    P.S. I loved that you called them "toasted cheese." I never hear them called that in Utah!!

  2. Lisa your Grandma looks about 70 not 80.

    And she sounds a lot like you. What a wonderful woman she must be.

  3. thats so awesome...what a grand Grandma!


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