Monday, May 9, 2011

Spoiled Mother's Day Goodness

Ryan and the kids never, ever disappoint when it comes to spoiling me on Mother's Day. I woke up to a yummy breakfast of chocolate chocolate chip pancakes with Buttermilk Caramel Syrup and a yummy fruit smoothie...

I was showered with gifts from the kids...

Liv made this darling plaque (It says "Some of my greatest blessings call me Mother") at Activity Days...

Sophia smiled and loved me all day long (and called me "Daddy" all day long too... but we don't need to focus on that since she calls everyone and everything "Daddy"... every once in awhile she says "Mama" too!).

Coleman made me this way cool puzzle of him holding flowers for me...

...and it was especially neat since it was double sided and he wrote me a sweet love note on the back...

...and he filled out a Bio sheet all about me...

He also made me the great bracelet I am wearing. I have some pretty talented kids!

In Primary Olivia and Coleman wrote sweet notes saying I was more precious than rubies...

...and Ryan formatted and printed a whole slew of blog pages for our blog book... Hooray! He also found the neatest Eye-Fi card for a new-to-me camera that uploads photos directly to my computer and/or phone... no cords, cables, or anything else required (if I can just remember to leave the camera ON long enough for the pictures to upload!). He is so great at picking out fun and useful gifts.

With our lunch we drank my new favorite beverage (that has enough sugar to fuel a rocket ship)... like all the recipes I am loving these days, it is from Our Best Bites. Try it. Your taste buds will love you. You will find any and every reason to make and drink Brazilian Lemonade.

I feel so blessed to be the mama to Olivia, Coleman, and Sophia. I feel blessed to have a partner like Ryan that helps me be the best mom I can be. I know that I am far from perfect. I know that I make more mistakes than I can count. I know that I will probably have to pay for therapy someday for all the ways I have ruined my kids. I also know that I love my children more than anything and hope and pray that they continue on the path they are on to becoming wonderful, kind, and thoughtful human beings. All of the things they did for me for Mother's Day were great, but the best gift of all is knowing the goodness that is within them and knowing that I get to be a part of their lives.

I am grateful for all of the women in my life that show me what it is to love unconditionally, to serve, to forgive, to teach, to lead, to be courageous, to be humble, to be confident, to be creative, to be thoughtful, to be generous, and to be good. For me Mother's Day is always a good reminder of the kind of person I am working to become.


  1. Wow, you did have a good Mother's Day!

    And I love that website too. :)

  2. Therapy? You can't be serious! You are not ruining anything!

    I'm glad you had a good mothers day. Your kids are wonderful, you get to take some credit for that. :o) Love you!


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