Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring Recital 2011

It was time again for our Spring Piano Recital. Liv and Coleman's teachers are both our neighbors and friends, so they planned the recitals back to back.

We were excited that Grandma Jan and Grandpa Gee Gee could come....

...and happy that my mom could be there too!

All of the kids in Olivia's group played music from movies. She was assigned "Imperial March" from Star Wars. It was frequently used to work out her frustration and aggression :) and I can honestly say that I am relieved that the recital is past so that we won't have it in our home for 40 minutes each day. It is very true that music sets the tone!

She did a wonderful job though and worked really hard at adding feeling to her music.

Coleman doesn't love practicing, but he loves being able to play the piano and he has quite a knack for it.

I just love his teacher! She is so patient with him and has really helped him to progress.

He started out with "Super Sleuth" which was a fun spy song.

His second song was "Lauren's Lullyaby." We were impressed that he memorized both songs!

Way to go Olivia and Coleman! You both worked hard and performed well!


  1. Way to go........they are amazing! Super impressed. I think playing the piano is such a great thing for kids to learn. Something they'll use their whole life.

  2. Such a great recital. I loved hearing all the movie themes. Olivia did a great job.

  3. Love kids on the piano! Stella is loving it as well!


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