Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ryan's a Star!

Every year Ryan's company has a convention where their consultants gather to get new ideas and get excited about new products. As a programmer, Ryan doesn't get many chances to be a superstar, but this is a time that he gets to present his department's work for the people that are using (and selling) the software. His work this year included changes that consultants have been asking for  for a long, long time. His announcement brought the crowd to their feet:

My favorite comments on their facebook site said: "Ryan Harper, Director of Technology, HM, you now have a whole room full of BFF's!! Thank you so much for all of the studio enhancements coming our way!!"

and "I think we need to start a Ryan Harper fan club! He had no idea how just one specific change could cause a group of grown women to cry! Lynda said we would freak out and we did! Wow! What an exciting day!"

Ryan has groupies! Fun for him.

They also have a fancy banquet to end the convention, and they invited me to come along. It was a fun chance to dress up and get my hair done (by my ultra-talented friend Raylyn).

Doesn't the back of my head look cool? I should have her come over and do my hair more often!

The thing I loved best about the banquet was seeing how much Ryan is valued at work. His coworkers the consultants couldn't say enough good things about him, and it was fun for me to see that everyone else sees how great he is. Way to go Ry!


  1. what a payday! Love the hair too

  2. You look gorgeous, love the dress! It's fun to be able to get dressed up extra special once in awhile. Love the hair, too!

  3. It's always great to see your spouse get the adoration he deserves, huh! And, you look BEAUTIFUL! What a fun and special night!


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