Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Will Never Forget

I can remember in great detail the feelings I had on September 11, 2001. I am sure you can too.  I sat in the same chair all day long, rocking 3 month old Olivia, glued to the TV and watched the news, hoping for any kind of understanding or resolution. Today, as we watched some of the memorial services many of those emotions were brought back to the surface.
Ten years later, we feel more "hope smiling brightly before us," yet at the same time realize that the world is a different place after 9/11. We will never forget.

I had a powerful experience in Stake Conference today as I sang with our Young Men and Young Women a song that is based on the theme for our youth this year (13th Article of Faith). I felt it was an appropriate and timely response to the horrific events of 9/11 and all of the aftermath. The world is filled with darkness and people who make choices that hurt others. We need not despair, there is hope and light to counter it all.

We Believe (listen here)
Jenny Phillips and Tyler Castleton

Darkness rages now
More than it ever has before
But our faith is sure
We are standing tall
We are standing strong
We can clearly see between
Right and wrong

We believe in being honest
We believe in being true
Chaste and benevolent
Doing good to all men
We believe all things
We hope all things
We seek the virtuous
All that is praiseworthy
We're standing sure
We believe

We are not deceived
By the forces that fight against what's right
Our trust is in Christ
He leads us to joy
He leads us to light
He leads us to all good things
In this life


Our mighty God has given us
So much good to find
There's just no room for darkness in our lives


We're standing sure
We believe

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