Sunday, December 30, 2007

Olivia's Dance Recital

Finally, we get around to posting Olivia's dance recital on December 18th. She's been taking dance for a few years at the local Rec Center and she LOVES performing. See the video below--Olivia starts at the front right end and ends up on the back row, far left.

(Above) This is Liv before the recital. (Below) All the proud dance mamas: Amy, Jessica, Isabel, me, and Sherri.


  1. Lisa! I am so excited that you have a blog! Now I get to keep up with what is going on. I love that about blogs! Ours is

  2. I LOVE the video! How precious. Great job Olivia! It's so fun to watch you dance.

  3. GREAT to watch the video! Thanks for posting. I had to watch it twice. The first time I thought Olivia started in the back row with a white tie in her hair. Watching it again (and with the instructions followed this time), I saw her dance on the front row and then into the back. Good job Liv!


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