Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas Nativity

A few days before Christmas we got together with Ryan's brothers and their families for a yummy dinner. We read a couple of Christmas stories and then had the kids dress up to act out the story of Christ's birth. I love this picture of Coleman and his cousin Sam as the shepherds. The flash makes it look like they are looking up at the angel who came to bring them good tidings of great joy!

We also did the nativity scene/story at my mom's house. Olivia got to be Mary and she loved it. Liv has such sweet maternal, nurturing instincts. I love to watch her take care of her babies and her younger cousins and friends.

Coleman stole the show as he made his debut as a donkey. My mom bought some cute costumes from Deseret Book and Coleman LOVED being this beast--I was reading the nativity story as the kids acted it out and all of a sudden we hear Coleman braying like a donkey. He did it continuously, and quite realistically. All of us adults were laughing so hard. Of course I didn't mean to be irreverent, but the kid took his part very seriously and wanted to make sure we knew that the donkey had a very important (and loud) role in the coming of the Savior. His attention to detail is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of The Littlest Angel, where he collects a box of things he finds wonderful for the baby Jesus. We acted out the nativity in primary on the 23rd, with a real baby, no less (not mine!) coerced into "resting" in a laundry hamper. There were so many things going awry that I can't list them all, but many of us were crying anyway. (I was for poignancy and sheer hilarity)


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