Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Am Legend

Typical Will Smith movie--he's the only one that can save the world, and does a good job being a cool guy. I have to say though, this was NOT a movie to sit down and relax in. It's scary--and scary like Night of the Living Dead scary, not Alfred Hitchcock thriller scary. The CGI work was really amazing, and it was very cool to see how they portrayed New York City a couple years after an almost complete wipe-out of the human race. I learned that Ryan is a nervous eater--during the whole movie he munched on the treats I had stashed in my purse. I think I was scared enough that I let out audible screams a couple of times, definitely hid my head and closed my eyes a lot, and even squeezed Ryan's hand hard enough that he preferred not to hold it. It's rated PG-13, but I think it should be PG-16, maybe PG-20. It was a little scary for this 30-something! When it was all said and done, I felt like I had gone through some insanely difficult physical obstacle course while taking a challenging mental and emotional exam. Deep breaths seemed to help. Have you seen it? What did you think?


  1. I haven't seen it, because my mom did and didn't recommend it. She said it's so sad, and a complete downer, so I knew it wasn't for me. My babysitter, though, said it was "the best movie EVER!" She's prone to hyperbole. I've heard The Water Horse is good, as well as Dan in Real Life. Have you seen either of those?

  2. I haven't seen either of those--but would really like to see Dan in Real Life (how could anything be bad with Steve Carrell?). I haven't heard much about The Water Horse, but I'll have to look into that. We are also excited to see Juno--it's gotten such good reviews and has a few favorite actors (Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner). Is anyone else feeling the moral dilemma about Sweeney Todd?

  3. So on the whole, do you recommend it ("I Am Legend")? It sounds like one of those movies I'll have to really be persuaded to go see... and I've heard mixed reviews from lots of people thus far.

  4. If you like scary add CGI stuff, it's a good pick. The creatures (former humans) are quite frightening and do a lot of screaming at you throughout the movie. If you must have a happy ending to enjoy a movie, stay away from this one. The story wasn't extremely strong and the movie relied heavily on the special effects and scenery. I thought it was pretty clever and very interesting, but I don't love being scared so I can't give it a resounding thumbs up. If you'd have to be persuaded to go to it, you are probably better off choosing something else. Hope that helped...

  5. K - so Carlos and I went and saw it too. When the dog died, I literally sobbed, uncontrollably, into Carlos' chest. I haven't cried like that in a movie since I Am Sam (cuz the little girl reminded me of Megan). When I left the theater at the end, my eyes felt like I had been crying all night.


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