Monday, January 7, 2008

You need to be a genius to read my blog!

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I found a really cool thing where you type in your blog address and it tells you what the reading level is of your blog. Not so sure it's accurate, as it said my blog requires you to be at the level of a genius. No disrespect to the loyal readers, of course. I don't need some blog-o-meter to tell me you are ALL geniuses!


  1. You have to be postgrad to read mine...not bad.

  2. no way. that is hilarious. I am going to def. have to try that.... i love your new background p.s. very shick!!!!

  3. I knew I didn't go to college for nothing! :o)

  4. Uh oh. Mine's jr. high. That's embarrassing.

  5. Mine is a high school level. Guess I'd better start interjecting some smarter lingo if I want to be a genius.

  6. Hey good for you Lisa! I knew you were no idiot. I want to go try it for mine.

  7. I think they must arbitrarily assign levels--again, no offense to the brilliant readers intended, but if Gurrbonzo's is junior high, I think mine should be pre-K.


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