Tuesday, April 1, 2008

And the winner is...

Traci!!! I only wish that I could bring them to you myself because I desperately want to get out of town and see you and your cute Lucy, but alas, I am still Utah bound, so I'll have to mail them to you. It seems fitting that Traci's name was drawn randomly, because just today Ryan and I got a piece of really good mail from her--thank you Traci!

I wish I had enough time and materials to make cards for you all... but thanks to all for playing... and stay tuned for another drawing to come your way soon!

Coleman's Quip (3/30/2008): We were going to have banana cream pie for dessert and I asked if he wanted some. He said he didn't like it and I told him he'd never even tasted it before, so how did he know? His response: I tasted it in heaven, and I didn't like it there, so I just gave it to you. At least the kid's got a good memory, right?


  1. I just know you're april-foolin' us all and I'm the real winner! ;o)

    It was a fun blog idea -- who doesn't love winning stuff!?

  2. I love what Coleman said! That's so funny!

  3. Yay! Thanks, thanks, thanks! I never win anything. :) It must be a lucky month for the Harpers. Thanks, Lisa! Nice pic, btw.


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