Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April Fool's Funnies

Yesterday we woke up to upside down pictures, clock's turned off or with the wrong time (military time, or as Liv called it "Limitary Time"), corn pops in the rice chex box, purple milk, Olivia's stuffed animal collection staring me in the face in my bed, missing towels when I got out of the shower, bowls and glasses in the wrong spot in the cupboards, silverware missing (in the oven!) and one Daddy who couldn't stop laughing at his jokes. At bedtime the kids also found books, toys, and shoes in their beds and under their pillows. Olivia was disappointed that she didn't get MORE jokes played on her, so next year, we're in for more fun! She "got Dad back" by emptying his basket of clean socks in his side of the bed and she and Coleman spent the day telling silly jokes and yelling "April Fool's." They were both disappointed to learn that April Fool's Day is only a one-day holiday.

**What did you do to celebrate April Fool's Day?
**Any great ideas for us next year?


  1. I was holding my breath all day to see what mischief Matt was going to pull. I think he was so busy leaving early and had to working late that I don't even think he noticed the holiday. He is the biggest kid around, as you know.

  2. What fun ideas!! You have to remind us of this post next March 31st. My girls would have gone nuts for such cute pranks.
    They spent all day long planning whoopie cushion jokes, but luckily they couldn't find their whoopie cushion.

  3. Awesome--that sounds like Ryan, and Scott. You can imagine what our house was like on April Fools. I remember one year Scott and I turned all of Tim's furniture upsidedown and taped his socks and toys onto the ceiling. That was a good prank...

  4. your holiday posts inspire me. I was such a lazy this year, in college my friends and I always came up with some great ones... but then so did the people to get us back!

    Thanks for the fun family (harmless) ideas. :o)


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