Wednesday, August 27, 2008

If one can of soda does this to my pantry shelf....

...what does it do to my insides when I drink it?

I know this is disgusting... but it's what I uncovered in my pantry this morning... a warped, moldy mess... all from one little can of Caffeine-Free Diet Coke that inexplicably drained itself and rotted. Obviously, I need to improve my housekeeping skills. Yuck.


  1. I've heard terrible things about what a can of coke can do, but this confirms it! Yikes!

  2. Oh the treasures we find when cleaning out the pantry!

  3. Yeah, I should probably clean out my pantry. Eventually.

    But that mess makes me glad I gave up the Diet Coke.

  4. Can't wait to show Matt this. If Coke can eat away cement too, it can't be good for us.

  5. But i like diet coke SOO much! I guess its time to change my ways. :) Thats pretty yucky Lisa! HAHA


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