Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Olivia's Piano Recital (August 2008)

Olivia had a fun and casual piano recital at her teacher's house last weekend. She has loved playing the piano this last year! This is her just before her recital (I love her genuine smile--we caught her laughing)...

...and with her great teacher Cindy. The video below is short--enjoy!


  1. You must be so proud!! She did great!

  2. How long as she been playing? I'm impressed.

  3. That makes me nervous...I always got the jitters at recitals or playing in front of anyone. Good job Olivia!

  4. Great job Olivia! Playing the piano is so much fun. Veronica has been playing 3 years now, and she has gotten so good. It's nice to hear the piano practice in the house too.


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