Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Chance!

Today would have been Chance's 6th birthday. It's hard to believe it's already been over 3 years since he passed away--sometimes it seems like a whole lifetime ago, yet the pain still seems so fresh and raw. Although we know we'll be with him again, it is still heartbreaking, especially for Megan who has endured so much in her life, and we mourn the many things that we never got to experience with him. This picture was taken at Lindsey's wedding in March 2005. Chance was as mischievous as ever that day and loved to play in the fountain at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. He was so vivacious and full of life--and I love this picture of Megan with him. She looks so content to be with her boy.

On his first birthday after he died we went up to the cemetary and let a bunch of balloons go. We have a lot of family members that don't live in the Salt Lake area, so we've tried to have everyone let balloons go on his birthday, where ever we might be.

We love you Mr. Chancey Pants!


  1. Oh, that just breaks my heart. I don't know what I would do in the same circumstance. I hope Megan is happy and that she knows she will see that sweet boy of hers before she knows it.

  2. Wow, I can't believe it's been 3 years. I think of Chance and Megan often. Thanks for posting this!

  3. We let balloons go for Chance at the park! The kids loved it and loved telling us about Chance. Lots of balloons for Chance that day!

  4. I will always love and remember little Chance. Zach got to be in nursery with him for a little while.


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