Friday, November 14, 2008

A Season To Be Thankful

I copied my friend Tiffany's "Thankful Wall" so we could have a place to write what we are thankful for. I don't know about the kids, but I'm pretty excited to write on the wall :).

Coleman made this cute handprint turkey in preschool.
He also made a dial-a-turkey to show what he's thankful for. This is his bowl of homemade macaroni and cheese (I'm pretty biased, but it IS really good).
For some reason blogger keeps flipping photos and I can't fix it. But the above picture is his home, because it protects us from the rain and snow.
Coleman is thankful for love.
And this is his self-portrait--he said he's thankful that Heavenly Father made us and gave us bodies.

The other day he was talking to his friend Jared and said, "I'm so glad I'm not a girl! Boys are so lucky!" so I asked what he meant... and he said "we don't have to have babies and stuff!"

Another day we were in the car and out of nowhere Coleman said, "So, I guess I'm going to have to learn to dance." I chucked and asked why and he said, "You know, for my wedding and stuff." What I wouldn't give to see how that kid's brain works.

Maybe our Thankful Wall will give us all a chance to reflect a little more on what we are thankful for. I know that I have a very long list!

**What are you thankful for?
**Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?


  1. What a cute idea. Now I may have to copy it, too. We always make a turkey and write on it's feathers what we are thankful for, but the wall allows for more room...I like that! Thanks for the idea!!

  2. I like that idea, too. And the Coleman quotes really made me chuckle. Hey, bring that curling iron to CA and we'll have some fun curling our eyelashes and eyebrows with it!

  3. I have the cutest niece and nephew ever! Well of course strawberry milk comes from pigs Coleman!! Yesterday for lunch he requested "mac and cheese" and then said "is it homemade?" When I informed him it came from a box he said "can I see the box?"!!! Cute!! We loved having them! Sam cried half of the way home saying he missed Liv and Coleman!

  4. You kids are so darn cute. Jerry started something similar on our fridge. It says "I saw someone do something great today" and we all would write things about eachother that we were thankful for or things they did. It was a lot of fun. You reminded me of that, and I think we will do that again. It's been a while.


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