Friday, November 14, 2008

Is this for real?

I just bought a new curling iron and this warning was included in the packaging. Have people really put a curling iron so close to their eyes that they've gotten burned?

**What other funny warnings have you seen?


  1. Maybe they tried to curl their eyelashes.

  2. I always love the picture on hair dryers where it shows NOT to drop it in the bathtub. I guess they really have to spell these things out!

  3. Oh my goodness, I've seen a lot of funny warning labels before... but man, this one takes the cake!

  4. I had the same thing on a flat iron I got a while ago and I thought the same thing! You've got to be kidding right? Someone must have tried it....holy moly...

  5. That is funny. My favorite is the warning on plastic bags. It says "do not put this bag over your head". I mean how dumb would you have to be to put a plastic bag over your head...


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