Tuesday, February 10, 2009

80 Years Young

Today Ryan's Grandpa Harper turned 80 years old! He's such a great example to all of us and raised wonderful children with his wife Lucille. We loved celebrating with him last weekend!

Four generations of handsome Harper men: Ryan, Coleman, Denver, and Bruce.

Lately I've been loving big 12x12 cards so there is room enough for lots of loved ones to sign.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!


  1. What a great picture of the 4 generations. Happy Birthday Grandpa Harper!

  2. What a wonderful photo!!! I remember serving in their ward on my mission, they are soo sweet and fed us when they found out I knew Ryan.

    The big card is another awesome Idea, thanks!

  3. Okay, I want to make this for Lauren's baptism for people to sign or write a note in. So CUTE!!! I'm calling you to get the details. I love the idea!You crafty person you!

  4. That card is fabulous! Great idea!


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