Monday, February 9, 2009

We Have a Winner!

It must be morning somewhere in the world, right? So much for being on top of things. Regardless of the fact that I'm announcing this several hours later than I had wanted to, I am very happy to announce the winner of the Happiness Giveaway--She was chosen at random and is lucky commenter #5:

Kim who said:

What a great thing to do with the school! One thing that makes me happy is that it is 8 pm, all 3 children are asleep and hubby is making me roasted chickpeas. Yep, that makes me real happy :)

Thanks to all for sharing the things that make you happy! You know that some of the things that make me happy are good mail, crafts, and giving gifts, so I'm thrilled to send this Valentine block off to Kim!

Kim is a friend that I met through the Breastfeeding Cafe a few years ago. She is so fun to be around and makes everyone around her feel happy. I was so sad when I learned she'd be moving away from the area, but thank goodness for blogs (hers is a great one) and other ways of staying in touch! Congratulations Kim!


  1. awwww man! I missed it. I'm going to go say something happy anyway...

  2. Congratulations Kim! Lisa, did you know Kim and I were friends in high school? We were even on seminary council together. Small, small world I tell you!


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