Friday, February 6, 2009

Happiness Giveaway

Our PTA has felt that there is much in the world that drags us down. We wanted to help our kids focus on good things, so we dubbed February

"Happy Month"

at our school (props to our president for a great idea). One of the ways we are helping kids to focus on being happy is with our happy wall--they can write on a piece of paper what makes them happy and then it gets posted. I have to admit, I didn't expect the kids to get as excited about this as I was--and we did get a few older grade kids who rolled their eyes--but for the most part the kids couldn't wait to write down what makes them happy. The photo above is after only two days!

I want to find out what makes YOU happy, and for an incentive to participate, a comment will enter you in a drawing for a darling Valentine's home decor piece (still in the works, but it will be so cute!). Leave a comment by 11:59 pm on Sunday, February 8th to enter--you must include in your comment what makes you happy. I'll announce the winner in a Monday morning post and get it sent off or delivered in time for the winner to enjoy for Valentine's Day.

**What makes you happy?


  1. CUTE idea! I might need to try something like that!

  2. Well Lisa, besides your blog in general making me happy, I have to say.... Valentine's Day makes me so happy. I was reading a blog yesterday, and the gal was talking about how commercialized Valentine's Day has become and how she wants to hide under her covers until it's over. She dreads the very thought...

    I commented back and said how sorry I was for her and others who feel this way. Valentine's Day makes me happy because it gives me the opportunity to give a little more love and affection than normal. It helps me to be aware of those around me. I love the colors, scents and feelings Valentine's Day brings into my life on that special day. I hope we can all be a little more loving and helpful towards others.

    Love you!

  3. A major coup at either D.I., Kid to Kid, or Target pleases me. (This happened TODAY! Oh happy day....)
    Also, almond cookies from Smart Cookie.

  4. This is such an awesome idea lisa!! I think I will participate! The things that make me the most happy all the time is the gospel and my new little family!!! I'm pretty sure if I win this cute little decoration it will add to my increasing! But yeah! In all honesty, I'm the mnost happy when I'm with nate, eliza, kaya and aivery! I'm pretty lucky!!!

  5. What a great thing to do with the school! One thing that makes me happy is that it is 8 pm, all 3 children are asleep and hubby is making me roasted chickpeas. Yep, that makes me real happy :)

  6. I guess what makes me happy is when I can look back at the end of the day and realize that I was truly at peace with myself. That I could combat my daily depression and just be at peace. When I can actually know that I was receiving some big help from "upstairs" and it feels miraculous. I guess that is what makes me happy.

  7. OK - of course all the obvious things - my family, the gospel, having enough money to pay all the bills at the end of the month... but also the little things like: clean laundry (that is also put away!), an organized closet, an unexpected card from my husband, a full tank of gas, a baby fresh from the tub, having 4 full gallons of milk in the fridge, the perfect parking spot, clearance sales, finding the perfect gift for someone, the sun shining (rare these days), opening a new jar of peanut butter, getting a rebate in the mail I forgot about, finding a flashlight that actually works, black sharpie pens, fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies, going to the library by myself to sit in a quiet comfy chair to read magazines... I guess I could go on and on! What a good practice to count your little blessings :o)

  8. This is a great post to get the brain a turnin'.:) There are sooo many things to be happy about. I am so happy when I get to be creative. Does that sound weird? I think that having a little daily does of creativity will make almost any person happy. It helps me to identify outside talents that don't include motherhood. I love motherhood so much! And I love being able to do things to broaden my other horizons too.

  9. This is a great idea! Rainy days and my sweet nieces and nephews really make me happy. It was fun to read what other people wrote down because it's a good reminder of simple things we take for granted. You're the best!

  10. Very fun idea. My reason for leaving a comment has to do with what makes me happy. I LOVE to spoil my wife. I don't need anything in return...I just love to do nice things for her especially when she doesn't expect if you draw my name out, the fun little valentine something something goes to her of course! Lots of other things make me happy too...but thats a big one!

  11. Like everyone has said, what a great idea. I think that it's important for kids to see the good things in life. As adults, we always seem to focus on the negative. I'm a "Negative Nancy" and I find myself focusing on the sad and stressful things of life all the time. I am glad that you asked us to post what makes us's great therapy.

    What makes me happy are the small things: a smile from my little girl, a gutfull laugh from Kaden, a warm shower after a nice run outside in the bitter cold, a kiss from Bryant, a phone call from a friend, my favorite bowl of cereal in the morning, burts bees chapstick and smooth, saved legs.

  12. Love the idea! Thanks for the chance to think about it!

    As I can't limit it to one, I'll give you my top six. They go by the names of Jacob, Campbell, Annie, Matthew and Benjamin.

    Definitely what makes me happy!

  13. Spending time with my girls makes me happy. We had an incredibly fun morning doing hair, eating popcorn and just laughing. It was SO fun (and Aurora's hair was oh so very 80s cool...I put pics on facebook) I think it was the most fun I have had in a while.

  14. spending time with my family makes me happy! Going on vacations with my family are always some of the best memories I have. Thus I love coming to Utah:)

  15. Love your idea! We might need to copy it at our school, or atleast for a great FHE ;)

    What makes me warm wool socks, sweet sticky kisses from my 3 yr old, a hug and a kiss from my 12 year old, my kids still wanting me to tuck them in, feeling peaceful amidst all the turmoil because I know things will be ok, a quiet look from my husband that says how much he loves me, spending time with cherished girlfriends and laughing our heads off, days getting longer, reading friends blogs, realizing that LIFE IS GOOD!

    Thanks Lisa for this post :)

  16. Fabulous idea! We all tend to look on the dreary side of things and it's so easy to do especially this time of year. With a bit of training, thought and a friendly reminder we can all look for the good around us. It tickles me that your PTA is doing this for your kids.

    I started my Gratitude Journal again the first of this month. Each day I write 3 things I'm grateful for and explain why. It really helps me focus on how wonderful life is. A few of the items that make me happy as recorded so far in my journal are my husband, books,my ongoing education, pillows, toilet paper, Dryers Lime Fruit Popsicles, blogging friends and hope.

  17. turning on music to help me get through dinner dishes. Playing as a family and eating yummy food together. yep, those things are the best!


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