Saturday, September 12, 2009

Colelam is SIX!

Six years ago we welcomed our sweet Coleman into our family. From the start he was a pretty laid back kid.

I love this photo of Ryan gazing at him.... and don't you love the temple outside my hospital room window?

I think Olivia's expression in this picture is a crack up... she has this "Hmm, I'm not really sure I want to keep him and I'm pretty sure I don't want to take him home" look on her face. They have grown to be great friends and usually get along really well together.

I love how babies like to sleep with their arms up.

Six years later he's still a happy, laid back kid who loves life and everyone around him. I am amazed at his abilities (he calls them "skills") in building things, solving problems, playing games, thinking creatively (just don't get him started on the "would you rather game"), and he's recently shown a strong interest and affinity for math and numbers.

He said he wanted an Indiana Jones birthday (he only knows Indiana Jones from the Lego Indiana Jones Wii game)... even though it was a non-birthday party year, we found an Indiana Jones hat and whip for him. I overheard him say to Olivia today, "Did you know that Indiana Jones whips girls to bring them to him and then he KISSES them? Ew, yuck!" (What exactly do they show on those Wii video games?!?

We had some of his cousins over for a little cake and ice cream and a pinata....

...that pinata was industrial strength... it didn't want to break! The kids all had a couple of turns trying to bust it and it didn't budge. Uncle Scott finally broke it open.

A few years ago Coleman had a dinosaur birthday and we made a cool volcano cake (thanks for the help, Sara!). We decided to reprise it this year with Indy and the rolling rock... That's colored evaporated milk in the middle of the bundt cakes... when you're ready for some action, just drop in some dry ice and you have a pretty cool effect... real eruptions (thank goodness!) just lots of smoky mist and some trickling lava.

It was a pretty low key birthday, but we were excited to celebrate with Coleman! He's such a great kid with so much enthusiasm for life. I love his easy-going attitude. He really knows how to roll with the punches (unless of course we are eating something he doesn't like--which is almost daily--or if he has to clean his room or brush his teeth.--well, you get the picture...). He's such a happy part of our family and we love him!


  1. Tell Coleman Happy Birthday! We wish we could have been there to celebrate and eat some cake! It looked awesome!

  2. Happy Birthday, Coleman!! He is such a darling kid. That cake is'll have to share the recipe! (Not that I will ever need a volcano cake...ours are mostly girly!)

  3. Lisa, I will be copying you yet again, when it's Jack's birthday and I need a manly cake. That rocked!! And happy birthday to Coleman, too. I think that little man is hilarious. He has such an impish little smile, too. :) Way to go on feeling well enough to host a not-so-birthday party that looks like a real live birthday party!

  4. Cool! It turned out so well. I love Coleman's expression! I remember when he was born and frankly it does not seem like 6 years ago. Happy Birthday Coleman!

  5. Has it really been six years? That's so awesome! I don't believe we have ever met him in person though. I love reading about him (the last time we saw you guys you were pregnant with him) and would love to meet that sweet personality some day! :) Happy Birthday!

  6. I am so glad I finally got to meet that handsome, laid-back guy for myself! What a cute kid. Happy Birthday, Coleman!

  7. it's been too long since I've read of your adventures! You plan the most AWESOME parties ever.


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