Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ready or not...

Do these kids look ready for their Primary Program, or what? (Don't you love that suit? He looks like a little missionary man... thanks to CB and Brandon for passing it along to us!)

They did such a good job today... and of course I couldn't keep my eyes dry for more than two seconds during the meeting. The theme was "My Eternal Family" and the children shared personal experiences and shared their sweet, simple testimonies through beautiful music.

Our primary had a summer challenge to learn the Articles of Faith found in the Pearl of Great Price and they selected a few children to recite them, but the entire Primary said, "We believe" together at the beginning of each one (except number 11 of course, which was "We claim"). It was so incredible to hear this united body of little children stating their beliefs with such conviction.

Several of my friends are in the Primary Presidency and are the music leaders... they all did such a wonderful job writing the program and helping the children get ready for it. Thanks for a wonderful Sacrament Meeting Jill, Hannah, Sara, Rebecca, Miriam, Mya, and Jodi!


  1. Should I be offended that you misspelled my name? Or was there another Sarah? (Just kidding)

  2. Yes! You should be offended... it was totally unintentional and is now fixed. You are the only Sara that put amazing amount of work into the program and my good, good friend... no excuse for the mistake :).

  3. Stella enjoyed the program. She was having a sleepover with Grandma.


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