Monday, October 12, 2009

Dear Book Donor...

Although I'm always grateful for anonymous gifts left on my door or in my mailbox, yours made me second guess all of the work we've been doing to plan fun and exciting activities for our ward.

I'm not claiming in any way that I have ANY sort of a CLUE... but maybe next time you could leave a little piece of chocolate to soften the blow...

Thanks for thinking of me.... maybe before the next ward activity you could leave me an anonymous note and let me know just what it is we should be doing differently?

Thanks so much,
Lisa (and the rest of the Activities Committee, who found your gift quite hilarious)

**Ever received a funny anonymous gift?


  1. That is funny, and strange and a tad rude, all at the same time. Huh? I can't imagine who would do that. Especially because I have seen what you are capable of for family reunions and birthdays, so I KNOW what kind of activities you would plan. Good for you for laughing! That is going down as ridiculous in my book for sure.

  2. Okay, I was trying to be nice. Actually I find it really rude. I feel better now that I've been honest.

  3. Wow, that was a blunt hint. Let's see, who have been the past "clueless" ward activity charimen? That might give you an idea...

  4. this reminds me of when I worked at the college bookstore and found it so ironic that they were publishing books like GMAT for Dummies and LSAT for dummies. So... I graduated college. Does that make me a dummy? :o)

  5. Oh my...Let's give the gift giver the benefit of the doubt and assume they were thinking that due to your current health condition you just don't have the time and energy to put into planning the fabulous activities you usually do, and they were trying to let you off the hook and give you some no-brainer ideas!! I have to admit though, I laughed for awhile at this one :o)

  6. You can send it my way! But I didn't send it yours. :)

  7. Lisa, you don't have to worry, your ward activities have been loads of fun. That is a strange gift, but just let it roll off your back. Maybe someone had it laying around, and thought you might want to take a look at it because they had no use for it.. .who knows. But don't worry, you guys are great and plan awesome activities. We always have fun.


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