Saturday, October 17, 2009

Witches' Brew

One of our favorite Halloween activities for classroom parties is making a brew from all sorts of snacks and candies with gruesome names. We first saw it when Olivia was in preschool with Ms. Sherri. You can either ask the children to provide a baggie of one or two ingredients, or gather them yourselves and hand them out the day of the party. It's especially fun if you or the teacher dresses up as a witch and has a big cauldron to mix it up in. We usually do this at the beginning of the party so that while the kids are at their other stations you can bag it for them to take home. Little ones love hearing the names of things and adding it to the brew. You just need about a cup of the number of items that you have people to give it to... so if there are 25 kids in the class, pick 25 items and gather 1 cup of each.

  • Ghost Guts (Mini Marshmellows)
  • Witches' Warts (Chocolate Chips)
  • Withered Animal Carcasses (Animal crackers)
  • Earthworm Knots (Pretzel Twists)
  • Hollowed Out Fish (Goldfish Crackers)
  • Bloated Ants (Raisins)
  • Bugs and Beetles (Bugs Fruit Snacks)
  • Shrunken Teddy Bears (Teddy Graham Crackers)
  • Candied Spider Eggs (Gum Drops)
  • Owl Eyes (Kix or Cheese Puff Balls)
  • Chocolate-Dipped Houseflies (Chocolate-Covered Raisins)
  • Compressed Cobwebs (Honeycomb or Chex Cereal)
  • Crumbled Bat Wings (Blue Tortilla Chips)
  • Dehydrated Dragon Wings (Doritos)
  • Flatted Slugs (Fritos)
  • Goblin Belly Button Lint Balls (Skittles or M&Ms)
  • Plops of Pigeon Poop (Yogurt Covered Raisins)
  • Rat Claws (Shelled Sunflower Seeds)
  • Shredded Lizard Gizzards (Shredded Coconut)
  • Vulture Toenails (Candy Corns)
  • Warts from the White Witch (White Chocolate Chips)
  • Dried Scabs (Craisins)
  • Caramelized Mothballs (Caramels)
  • Vampire Veins (Twizzlers)
  • Goblin Fingers (Cheetos)
  • Baked Skeleton Bones (Pretzel Sticks)
  • Bat Brains (Popcorn)
  • Splintered Turkey Bones (Shoestring Potato Chips)
  • Tasted Cat's Eyes (Blanched Almonds)
  • Dirty Shoelaces (Black Shoestring Licorice)
  • Dried Seaweed (Chow Mein Noodles)
  • Freeze Dried Drops of Blood (Red Hot Candies)
  • Roasted Eyes (Peanuts)
  • Boiled Lady Bugs (Red Jelly Beans)
  • Braised Beetles (Milk Duds)
Of course you can come up with your own spooky ideas if the foods listed above aren't found in your pantry... If you have kids in the class with allergies to peanuts or other nuts you'll want to avoid those things too. The kids love it!


  1. This is the cutest idea! If only food was allowed in the classroom where my kids go to school. Yup, no food at all. Not for holidays, birthdays, class parties, etc. And I am so sad because I love the idea

  2. Lisa, you just saved me! I have to do a station at the Halloween party in second grade, and didn't know what to do. now I will try this! You genius, you. :)

  3. That sounds fun. I will have to remember that one!


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