Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christmas 2009 Recital

Now that I've finally put away my Christmas cards (and stored them safely for years to come) I think I should post about Olivia's piano recital from December.

Once again Liv and Ryan worked really hard on her songs to get them just right.

She was so excited that Grandpa GeeGee and Grandma Jan could come to see her.

She was equally glad that Grandma Madeline could come to see her play "I Saw Three Ships" and "Here We Come A Caroling" (with Ryan).


  1. Good job Liv!!!
    You are a great piano player! and I appreciated you teaching me to play the piano the other day! ;)
    I hope you can come for a sleep-over soon :)
    tu tia, Katty

  2. She is really good! I would love to have our kids do that. I guess we haven't gotten on the piano lesson band wagon. Weird, since we both love music so much. Liv did a great job!


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