Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Isn't it about time...

...to take down our Christmas cards??? I just love feeling the love--but seeing as it's already the end of January, I think it might be time to retire this last bit of holiday decor.

Thanks to all for sending us holiday greetings!


  1. Probaby about time. Except that brownish one on the right near the top. I think you can just keep that one up. :)

    I seriously LOVE Christmas cards!

  2. I just took mine down this week and now my walls look soooo bare.

    I feel so bad I didn't mail you a card this year. I ran out half way through my list and didn't bother to get more. I feel even worse knowing you gave me one and I LOVE receiving your card. You're so creative and your card is always darling.

    I promise, you're #1 on my list for next year. Hope you're doing well. Can't wait to see baby #3!

  3. You could just cut off the holiday bits and keep the cute kiddos!

    I keep the cards (and envelopes sometimes for the addresses) in the 'holiday box' so that next year I remember who sent cards.

  4. Julie... no worries... I know you were crazy busy this year getting on your dream vacation... and even if you weren't, there's no pressure at all :). I feel lucky that we get to keep in touch through blogs!

    Christy... I always keep the cards (much to Ryan's dismay!) because I know they will come in handy at some point (to remember names, ages, etc.) and for ideas for future Christmas cards. (No wonder I feel like we are bursting at the seams!)

  5. wow...your card wall isd awesome! Alot of people love you!
    Mine is still up too!


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