Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Did you LOVE the return of Glee last night?

We had to laugh at Sophia's reaction to the episode, when she appeared to be plugging her ear.


  1. I am unfamiliar with "Glee". I guess I am missing out. When and where is this on?

  2. Lisa, Sophia is so sweet! I need to come visit...I really want to see her. I agree about waiting before giving someone a new call after having a baby.....the problem is, you are so capable and have it all together, it probably didn't even occur to them, even if you did just have a baby! Activity Days is so much fun....I did it a few years ago before Lauren was 8. It was a blast!

  3. Oh what a precious baby! I love that picture of her! Glee was fun - I just love the music on it! And yes, I agree with your statement about getting a new calling - you should be off the hook for at least six MONTHS :)

  4. Hermosa, hermosa, hermosa!!!
    besitos para Sophia :)


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