Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It Always Comes Full Circle

So on Sunday I got a new calling... which I'm really excited about.... I get to be an Activity Days Leader for the 8 year old girls in our ward which for now includes my sweet Liv!

I had to laugh when the coordinator came over to my house to do a quick orientation... she handed me my binder... and I immediately recognized it as one I made over four years ago when I was the Primary president. Good thing I made it cute, huh?

(A short aside, I think it should be part of the Church handbook--or at the very least an unwritten yet well-understood rule that is followed by all Church leaders--that women with new babies shouldn't be given callings or "opportunities to serve" until their babies are at least six weeks old, but maybe that's just me?)


  1. But stay at home moms have so much free time!

    Seriously, I suppose it is time to be grateful that you didn't get Cub/Boy Scouts.

  2. Amen! I am the 8 year old scout leader right now and I am trying to gracefully drop hints that it might be a little tough for me to hold weekly activities with 4 children, including a newborn. Is that bad? Bless you for taking that one on! I'm sure you'll do great!

  3. I totally agree. WHAT?! I can't believe they did that! And you're such a kind person to say yes. At least you'll make great activities, and you'll know the program is going well. Also, you'll have lots of babysitters in the wings. An excellent thing.

  4. My sister, who just had TWINS, was asked to do the same calling. I think it's safe to say she was substantially overwhelmed.

    The girls in your ward are going to have a great time with you. You are such a creative cookie! :)

  5. I am in total agreeance as well as believing that stay at home moms with little kids should never, ever be called to nursery. I was in there for two months and told them that they had better release me. That and the fact that I live in a tiny village where I don't get out much as well so that just compounded the problem. I received no guilt but a huge sigh of relief when they released me.

  6. I am in total agreeance as well as believing that stay at home moms with little kids should never, ever be called to nursery. I was in there for two months and told them that they had better release me. That and the fact that I live in a tiny village where I don't get out much as well so that just compounded the problem. I received no guilt but a huge sigh of relief when they released me.


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