Monday, August 23, 2010

Moving Forward with Faith

This last week things have been hard. We are still trying to make sense of it all and find some normalcy in life. I admit that I have spent a lot of time and shed a lot of tears wondering how I could have changed things, or asking a whole slew of "what if?" questions. I know that we can't hit the rewind button (how I wish we could!) and that we need to heal and find peace.

I have been amazed at the goodness and kindness of people near and far who have prayed for us and with us, who have sent notes or called, and who have served us. Many have asked if there is anything they can do, and your prayers and kind words have been so helpful. Tim and Laura are facing many unexpected medical and funeral expenses, and if you want to contribute in any way, there is a button to the side of my blog where you can make a contribution. Every dollar will help. Most importantly, they have felt uplifted and blessed during this difficult trial from friends and family and strangers who have reached out to them.

Ryan's sister Traci wrote a beautiful obituary:

Our sweet Mikayla Lynn Harper (Mikkie), born November 10th, 2008, left her earthly family to return to her Father in Heaven on August 14th, 2010, after a tragic accident while vacationing with her family.

Mikkie is survived by her parents, Tim and Laura Harper, and sister, Faith. In addition, she is survived by grandparents, Bruce and Terri Harper (formerly of Tooele) and Lyle and Tina Jessee (of Riverton), great-grandparents and many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Her great grandmother Lucille Harper and great grandfather Clayton Wilbur were among those who welcomed Mikkie to her heavenly home.

Mikkie had a special, sweet little spirit and brought joy and laughter to all those who knew her. She loved watching and playing with her older sister Faith and her cousins.

If you would like to join in support of the Harper family, a viewing will be held on Tuesday, August 17th, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Broomhead Mortuary at 12590 S. 2200 W., Riverton. Another viewing will be held at the LDS Meetinghouse located at 13400 S. 2700 W., Riverton on Wednesday, August 18th at 10 a.m., followed by funeral services at 11 a.m. Interment will be in the Riverton city cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, if you would like to help, a trust fund has been set up to help cover unexpected medical and funeral expenses at Zion’s Bank under Mikayla Harper Donations.

We are deeply saddened by the loss of her presence while we remain apart from her. We love you. Until we meet again sweet Mikkie

Every morning when I wake up I am reminded that Laura and Tim are waking up and trying to get through the day without their sweet baby, and I can't imagine how that must feel. A good friend reminded me that often we look for the big miracle (that Mikayla would be healed) but that we need to look for the little miracles (that we were blessed with Mikayla in our family, even for a short time).

Laura has started a blog where she shares her thoughts and feelings, which she titled "Move Forward with Faith" referring to their older daughter Faith and her faith in God. I know that we can never move on or go back to the way things were, but I have faith that we can move forward, being better for having known and loved Mikkie.


  1. Lisa, My heart goes out to you and your family. When Erin told me of this, I cried and felt so bad for all of you, especially this mother, who had lost her sweet baby girl. It sure brings into perspective how fragile life can be with little ones. I hug my babies every night and can't even imagine having to let one go. I have been reading her blog, and now crying in my office at work :( Guess I should wait to read these tender words at home. Thank you for Sharing. Peace be with you and your family at this difficult time.

  2. thanks Lisa, you've been an incredible support to me and my family through all this. I'm so grateful for you and your family!

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. What a sweet little spirit.

  4. I just went back and read your post on Chance's birthday. I especially liked this that you wrote:
    "how we often seek for physical healing for ourselves or loved ones... and how Christ can be our healer... but in some instances it is not our physical bodies that He heals, rather He heals our hearts when we are suffering and makes us stronger spiritually and emotionally. Although none of us wish to go through such devastating losses of watching loved ones suffer and die, it is a gift so wonderful that if we allow Him to, He will heal our hearts and souls if we offer them to Him."
    This is so fitting for what you are going through now. I am so sorry you and your family have to deal with the loss of another sweet little loved one. My heart truly aches for you and especially for Tim and Laura. They and you have been such wonderful examples of faith and strength in this tragic loss. May you all feel the healing power of the Savior as you move forward. We love you!

  5. I'm just so sorry. Mikayla is absolutely beautiful and all of you are constantly in my prayers. What a sweet blog for Laura to start. Thanks for sharing.


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