Friday, August 27, 2010

Real Life Heroes

I was checking out at my favorite store this morning (Costco :)) and caught a glimpse of this wonderful lady. She is Mary Ellen Edmunds, author, speaker, and person extraordinnaire. She taught at the MTC while I was there preparing for my mission and I grew to love her humility, humor, and down-to-earth attitude about life and trials. I debated for about a millisecond whether or not I was going to say anything... after all, I don't know her personally, but I sure feel like I do.

I approached her and she got a big huge smile on her face.

I said, "I'm sure you get this all the time... but you're Mary Ellen Edmunds, right?"

She kept smiling (that was encouraging) and nodded. I blurted out, "I love you!" and she gave me a big hug.

I told her how she was a teacher at the MTC when I was there and she indulged me by asking when I was there, where I had served and we shared a few more comments about the wonderfulness of the MTC. She was just as gracious and kind as I have gathered from hearing her speak and from reading her books.

In the following moments, I thought a bit about real people (not celebrities, superstars, or characters in books or movies) that are my heroes. There are so many. When my granddad passed away I got to meet another one... Anne Osborn Poelman... who authored a few books that I love and was a family friend. I approached her too to tell her that I loved her.

I am sure both Mary Ellen and Anne (we should be on a first name basis, right?) thought I was a little bit nuts for my enthusiasm.... but these are two women who have helped shape me. I couldn't pass up on the opportunity to tell them so.

**Who are your real life heroes?
**If you saw one of them in a public place would you approach them?


  1. Lisa, good for you for speaking with her, and good for her for responding positively!

    It's a nice reminder that any one of us may be inspiring anybody else at any time.

  2. Man, you really can find ANYTHING at Costco!

  3. Fear not, Lisa. I've seen her there a couple of times and have stopped her to give her a hug and tell her I love her, too. I've told her I'm so glad she shops there so I can see her! She won't think you're that weird if I'm doing it too. She's fantastic!

  4. How exciting! Interestingly enough, Anne Osborn Poelman spoke at the MTC when *I* was there.

    I have no filter so I would definitely approach a lot of people if I saw them, no problem. Good for you!

  5. Really? That is awesome. I do remember how much I loved her humorous talks in the MTC and I am glad that I got to be there to share them with you. You are an awesome person. So (clearing throat) which Costco is it that she frequents because maybe I can run into her too. :)

  6. What a wonderful post! And now I am so excited! She is coming to New England to speak at Time Out for Women in three weeks and I am signed up to go. My tickets just came yesterday. Wahoo--even more excited then I was before!


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