Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eight Months

It's hard to believe this little happy princess is eight months old! She loves to eat (most of the foods that we eat) and is delighted with her brother and sister. She squeals when they are around and loves to giggle when she is tickled. She is crawling and scooting and trying to pull herself up. She makes all sorts of good noises that sound like "mama" and she makes me so grateful that she is a part of our family.

Oh, she loves to read, too.


  1. I can't believe how fast these cute babies grow!! Ellie will be 6 months tomorrow and it almost makes me cry just thinking about it! Sophia is such a cute girl and I loved reading about all her many accomplishments! Love the upside-down book!!

  2. Sophia has such bright, beautiful eyes and such an infectious smile! She must make everyone around her smile, too. I'm glad she brings so much joy into your cute family.


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