Friday, December 3, 2010

Festival of Trees 2010--I'll Think of You

We've been working hard on a tree for Mikayla for the Festival of Trees. It turned out so great thanks to help from Laura, her mom, her sisters, sisters-in-law, and her cousin! If you are in the Salt Lake area and can go, do it! It's at the South Towne Expo Center (9400 South State) in Sandy and runs until 10 pm tonight and tomorrow.

Laura chose the theme "I'll Think of You" which was based on the sweet poem she wrote for Mikayla. The poem talks about all of the things that remind Laura of Mikayla (to read it go here) and includes all things girly. The tree and all of it's surroundings are bright and fun and remind us all of sweet Mikayla.

Here are a few pictures of all the goodness...

Laura did such a great job organizing it all! I was so glad to be a part of this project.  Hope you can go and see it and support Primary Children's Medical Center!


  1. We went last night! We found it right away and took pictures of it too. It was gorgeous. So happy and beautiful and colorful and merry. What a great job.

  2. Lisa I was just thinking of you today and thought I should come over and say hi. We are hitting up FOT tomorrow and will look for the tree. It looks beautiful!! I bet it's been a touching experience for everyone involved.

    I love your family picture on the header, ps. PRETTY!

  3. Hey Lisa,
    I don't have your address. If you send it to me (and Hannah's too please?) I promise to send pretty Christmas cards your way! :)


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