Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vinyl Gifts and More

When we were in Idaho for our Cole Family Reunion my sister Lauren's mother-in-law Diane offered to cut some vinyl for us. She and her daughter began a business (Vinyl Gifts and More) and was kind enough to share her talents. It's only taken me FOUR MONTHS to get them hung (Thanks Ryan!).

I always have a hard time deciding what I want to put on my walls, but I loved this quote when my Granddad gave it in Conference and a few of my cousins had it done in vinyl so I decided to go with it. Who said I had to be original? I love the way it turned out. It is in the family room, above the doorway to the door to the garage and basement stairs.

Lauren gave me this initial vinyl... I finally painted a piece of wood and hung it on a cute piece of wrought iron. It's in our front room.  I love the way it turned out!

I love President Hinckley's "Be's" and thought this would be great in the kids' room--I put it above the door.

**If you need any vinyl cut they have a great website with a lot of ideas and will also do custom vinyl.  Visit their site here.  Thanks Diane and Lauren!

**Do you have vinyl on your walls?


Cheri said...

I love these!! And I have vinyl all over my house (I have a cricut so I do my own). Also, what a funny coincidence - I have checked that website lots and have gotten some great ideas from there (and even subscribe to their blog). :)

Stephanie said...

Love love love the H Harper one!! I just might have to order a LaPray one!! : )

Linn said...

I was seriously just looking for someone to do a scripture for me. Thanks!

Christy P. said...

I had a roommate in college who wrote on the walls of our dorm in highlighter. It came off with Windex. Nothing as inspiring as this though, she was using it to surround herself with (Latin) vocabulary words and organic chemistry mechanisms!

Anonymous said...

I love that quote by your granddad. Funny thing is that my family was chosen to meet with our area authority and they told us that we would be meeting with Elder Wirthin. Okay so I thought that they said Elder Wirthlin and I thought...oh boy.... we are in trouble for he is in heaven and we aren't. :)

Traci said...

Awesome! I've been looking to get some vinyl done, too! Now I know who to go through. :) And your vinyl looks awesome! I also just love the "H"... very cool. Love you guys.

Janene said...

I am home-decorating impaired. :o)

Those look great!