Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Highly Recommend....

...going to the BYU Museum of Art exhibit Carl Bloch The Master's Hand.

It is open through May 7, 2011 and is amazing. He is a Danish artist who painted many works on the life of Christ. Some have been used by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and will be very recognizable. Others are not well known, but are equally beautiful. If you click on the link above you can get information about getting (free) tickets for a reservation. They have iPads to rent for a guided tour (only $3) which we didn't do, but I'd love to return and find out more about the artist and his works.

In our family home evenings we have been talking about talents... a few days ago Ryan asked us to sketch something in the room (trying to discover if any of us have fabulous talents like Carl Bloch?). These are our originals, posted here for when we are famous artists.

"Lamp" by Olivia

"Coffee Table" by Lisa

"Lamp" by Ryan

"Coffee Table" by Coleman

We probably have a long road ahead of us if we want to improve our talents with sketching, but at least our items are recognizable, no?

**What are your talents?
**Have you been (or do you plan to go) to this exhibit?


  1. There are definitely some hidden talents in the Harper family! Wow!! What a great idea!

  2. You guys are great!! You never know what lies ahead. I wish I could go to the exhibit. Sounds fascinating.

  3. I DO want to go to this exhibit. I better put it on my calendar somewhere or I know it won't happen. I love your sketches!


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