Thursday, January 13, 2011

Our Family History

There are definite perks to having Ryan be both computer savvy AND employed by a publishing company--and of course the fact that he is generous with his time and talents helps as well. My Mother's Day gift (volume I) is a reality...

We designed the cover of the book to look like our blog background

I'm so excited to have this in print. As I've read histories on many of my ancestors I am amazed that their lives can be summarized into a few pages. I wish I had more detailed accounts of their day to day activities, their joys, and their sorrows. I know that our blog is sometimes silly, but I am so grateful to be able to reflect on the things we have done and the things we have learned. We joke about how our blogs are our "journal" but at this point in my life, it's the best family record we have.

**How do you record your family history?


  1. What a great idea! I have wanted to do that for our Blog, too since it has become a journal of our family. What a great gift!

  2. I agree - my blog is my journal at this point. I have saved my posts on my computer in case of a crash on the blog, but I'd like to get a book done at some point too. I'm actually thinking of doing one blog book for each year that I keep doing the blog. That way I'll have one book for each year. I think it's awesome, especially since I do post pictures & art & other things on the blog too!

    I'm in the process of scanning about 10 plastic bins of pictures, journals, art work, and other things from my mom & in-laws onto the computer to have a digital copy of it all. Once I'm done (which will take years unfortunately), I want to make a book of all of it and also a DVD or CD that I can share with relatives far away.

  3. Wow! It's so awesome to see you did this. From what I can tell it looks wonderful! For Brett's birthday this month, I went ahead and got his blog published in a book too. We haven't gotten it yet but I'm excited to see the results. We haven't even done my blog yet. It's so good to see the results, I imagine. I hope you'll post when you get Vol. II out. :)

    I love reading your blog. You have a very creative way of sharing what you guys are up to.

  4. The blog is not silly! It is a treasure, and putting it into a book is a grand idea I've seen done by other friends.

    For now, our family history is a photo book each year (through something like shutterfly, etc.). The kids love to look through them and I'm amazed at the sense it gives them, of where they fit in to our family and their remembrances of past events.

    Oh yeah, and now that we have morning church again (hooray!) there is journal writing time in the afternoon. :o)


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