Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sophia's Garden Party

Sophia turned one and we had a party! I made her invitations to look like flowers with a little poem (and party info) on each of the petals. I gave a few out closed, like this...

...and giggled when I heard/saw what people thought it was... a flip book, a bug with many wings, or a set of baby footprints... it was supposed to be a flower (so I put a little note with the rest of the invites!).

We decorated with a fun birthday banner...

...some quotes about gardens...

...and some cute poofy things made of tissue paper that Olivia learned how to make in Activity Days.
We had lots of yummy food...

...and she got some very fun gifts...

...which she loves to play with.

...and she had a flower headband, but her mama couldn't find it during the party, so she wore it the next day for a brief moment :).

We had a yummy chocolate cake with Oreo dirt (Coleman was thrilled to add the gummy worms and candy rocks)...

...and Sophia got her very own little cake to dive into...

She wanted to grab the candle (what one-year old doesn't?)...

...and she wasn't timid about getting dirty!

We sent home party favors for the kids...

...and the grown ups....

...hoping that they are better at keeping their flowers alive than I am.

My favorite activity was reading these cute little notes... I asked everyone to write down their favorite thing about Sophia... many wrote about her smile and beautiful eyes and her ability to make people around her happy. She is such a blessing. I loved what my dear sister-in-law Kristen wrote... "She reminds us that miracles happen!"
We are so grateful to all of our family that could come and celebrate with us... and to those that couldn't, we missed you!


Kristi said...

What a fun party!! Ellie is getting those same Ellie-phant pajamas for her birthday in a couple months (shh...don't tell her!). I love doing the note thing too. I have done it for all my girls on their birthday's and it is so fun to read what everyone loves about my girls! Happy Birthday, sweet girl!!

Anonymous said...

Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. I am totally going to steal your cake idea for Aspens 8th bday which is next month. Okay I might just have to steal every idea that you posted since she gets to have a part this year. Oh yeah, remind me to get that mint cookie recipe from you. I think we devoured them before you even had left the hospital.

Shirlene said...

Your baby is one!!! She's so incredibly cute! What a super fun party idea. Wish I had seen this 2 weeks ago, I did a garden party theme for RS Night. Could have used some of your ideas:) You're so talented!

Lauren said...

I'm so sad I missed this :o( It looks like a fun party! Everything is so adorable - I am constantly amazed at what you pull off. What I love about Sophia is her good nature and zest for life. She just loves everything and everyone. Plus she always looks so so cute! She should be the gap or gerber baby. (love the jammies too :o)

Linn said...

Happy Birthday sweet Sophia! What a fast year. And Kristen's comment brought tears to my eyes.

Crafts Blog said...

Everything turned out better than you planned, I didnt expect anything less... sadly I envision great things and they turn out not so great! sad days for my kids:)! We wish we could have been there to celebrate! Love you guys!!

Janene said...

oh man! It has been too long! Disneyland fun times and a one-year-old girl.... you guys have been busy. Such a beautiful family!