Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mammoth Cave

The next day we tried to go on a hike, but were informed that most of the trailheads required a four-wheel drive vehicle to get to. We drove along a windy road for a long, long time and still couldn't find the trail we were looking for, so we finally gave up and headed back to the house, where we met up with a couple of my sisters and their families who were going to go to Mammoth Cave. It looked like a relatively short drive and an exciting thing, so we decided to go along.

It turned out to be about an hour and half away! So much for a quick trip. With a name like Mammoth Cave, we figured it would be gigantic and huge... and it was really a hole in the ground that went on for a long, long time. It was pretty cool though.

There were a few entrances and several different passage ways. We took flashlights and head lamps with us because it got dark really, really fast.

Aren't we cute? (my sister Erin and me)

The ceiling got lower and lower... there were some spots that I had to crawl on all fours, but it was the perfect height for Sophia! She cruised right along. In the photo above are Andrew, Nathan, Coleman, Josh, Tayden, Olivia, Emma, and Sophia.

The Loutzenhiser boys

Erin and Tayden

Overall, it was fun... just a lot of driving to get there! (We were glad it was free!)

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