Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bryce Canyon and a Birthday

At the end of June we headed out on an adventurous reunion for the Cole/Stover family reunion. We met up with part of the group at Bryce Canyon on our way to Zion.

Megan with Coleman and Liv...

Our little family at one of the many lookouts...

Liv, Emma, Soph, Katty, me, David Joseph, David, and Megan...


Bryce is beautiful, no?

I loved this view of Ryan and Coleman looking at the beautiful scenery.

Heather, my mom, me, David, Lauren, and Claire

Ryan and the kiddos at "one more lookout" before we got back in the car to drive to Zion.

My mom and Mike arranged for us to stay in a couple of great houses and cabins at Zion Ponderosa Ranch, which is just outside of Zion National Park. The first night we had a little pow-wow to establish some rules and guidelines (and of course sign the liability release form!).  Mike put together some fun bags for each of the grandkids with some snacks and a water bottle and some little prizes. They thought that was SO neat!

Our "camp directors"

That day happened to be my 37th birthday and my sisters brought cake! It was fun to spend my birthday with so many people from my family... out of 12 kids, 11 were there... from Idaho, Nevada, California, Utah, and Georgia. We greatly missed Matt and his family who weren't able to come at the last minute. We had close to 50 people there! Our family has grown up in a lot of ways. It was so fun to spend time together and see some beautiful sites.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to celebrate your birthday...surrounded by beautiful people and beautiful scenery! I'm glad you had a great time. Your hair is getting so long and I LOVE it! You look great!!


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