Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Twelve Years!

 Yesterday we celebrated being married for twelve years!

We spent a lovely evening at the Salt Lake Temple doing sealings and then ate some yummy dinner together.

A few weeks ago Olivia summed it all up for us. She looked at us both and said, "Mom, I'm so glad Dad married you!"

I was feeling pretty good that she recognized what a blessing I was to Ryan... and I started to agree when she spoke again after a brief pause....

"If he hadn't you would be sad and weeping somewhere because you'd be all alone."

Thanks, Ry, for preventing me from being sad and weepy all by myself. I love being married to you! We make a great team.


  1. Congrats! You guys are a pretty good team. What a perfect way to spend your anniversary, at the temple. We've never done that before. We'll have to remember to do that next time to celebrate ours. Still need to do a b-day lunch.....and I still need to call you.:)

  2. That is hilarious! Happy Anniversary you two!

  3. Really? It's been 12 years ?? Sheesh. Where's time gone??

    I love Olivia's comment. Kids always put things in perspective!:)

    CONGRATS ON a wonderful and fun 12 years of marriage. 12 onto 20!

  4. Congrats Lisa! Kids are funny. Maybe next year she will tell Ryan how lucky he is.

  5. Congratulations! What a fun wedding picture. You guys do make a great team and have such a wonderful family! Glad you got to celebrate!


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