Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Coleman's Baptism

This handsome boy chose to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Coleman has been preparing for his baptism and confirmation for a long time, and is grateful to finally be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ.

We were so happy that so many family members and friends were able to share his special day with him.

He was so excited to plan out the dessert table for the luncheon--Sugar cookies in the shape of the number 8, pumpkin bread, Oreo Truffles, Cookie Dough Truffles, chocolate chip cookies, and cream puffs.

I feel so blessed to be Coleman's mom. He is thoughtful and kind and full of love for people around him. He is happy and intelligent and hilarious. I love that he chose to follow Jesus Christ and I love that Ryan was able to baptize him. My heart overflows with love for this kid!


  1. What a sweet boy and what a wonderful day! I'm so happy for all of you, but especially for that fabulous boy of yours.

  2. Way to go Coleman! That is very exciting. And Lisa, you always put out a nice spread and are always a wonderful hostess. I am grateful you are my friend!

  3. It's fun to see all those neat people who love and support Coleman. Baptism days are such a special event! Congratulations, Coleman!

  4. Congrats Coleman! Your kids are so darling.
    love Sophia on the table working away for you.:)


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