Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Six Years

Six years have passed since Mr. Chance left us. Some days it seems like just yesterday that we heard his laugh and looked at his beautiful blue eyes, with eyelashes that were longer than any I have seen.

We remember him every day, and miss him, and love him. Today I got to spend a couple of hours with my sister, Megan. We laughed and cried as we remembered Chance's brightness and joy and all of his crazy antics.

We looked through pictures and I found one that reminded me so much of Sophia's latest smiling habits.

Chance brought so much joy to so many people, and now that he is gone it is hard not to feel an achy hole in our hearts, especially for Megan. I loved reading through the beautiful obituary that my sister Lauren wrote because it captured who Chance was and what we all feel about him. We miss you Chance!

2002 ~ 2005 Chance Tyler Fulton blessed our family with his birth on Nov. 15, 2002. He departed this life on Oct. 19, 2005 after suffering in-tractable seizures since Sept. 26th. Although his life on earth was short, his influence is forever reaching. His death leaves a gaping hole in the hearts of his loving mother, Megan Wirthlin Cole, and his father, Tyler Kay Fulton. Our "almost" 3 year old was looking forward to celebrating his birthday. He loved superheroes, especially Spiderman, and wished he could be one. Chance proved himself these last 3 weeks with his superhuman strength and bravery ...he is truly a hero in our eyes. Chance loved to listen to music and to dance. He was his mommy's sweetheart, but his bright smile, beautiful blue eyes, and engaging personality made him everybody's baby. He enjoyed going to nursery at church and he loved to play with his cousins, who were his best friends. Chance found joy in all things, including throwing any ball around and watching his uncles compete in their sports. He liked to help his Grandpa Mike mow the lawn and hear his grandma sing. His grandma and grandpa just took him on his first camping trip, and he also got to visit his Grandpa Cole in San Diego, where he relished playing on the beach. He loved to ride on the bus and on the back of his mom's wheelchair. Chance was a strong-willed, stubborn little boy who made us laugh with his antics and smile at his joyful spirit. Now we mourn the absence of his little feet running, jumping and dancing. He never did anything half-way or half-speed. Chance is lucky to have a large family who loves and adores him. Chance also leaves behind many other loved ones and friends. The family would like to thank the wonderful staff at Primary Children's Medical Center, especially the fantastic doctors and nurses who cared for Chance. Chance, until we see you again, you will live in our hearts and memories, and our happy thoughts. May you rest in the arms of Jesus. 


  1. Thinking of all of you. He is such a darling, handsome, wonderful little boy! Megan is especially in my prayers.

  2. I'm sure your sister was happy to have you with her on that day to share those sweet memories. Chance sounds like such a sweet little wonder he is missed so much! xoxo


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