Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall has Flung

Fall has arrived to our little corner of the world, and we love it. To us, fall means...

Trying out new recipes...
Individual homemade chicken pot pies were a big winner...

...and homemade donuts were kind of "meh." I'm in search of a great recipe for crumbly, sour cream donuts, a-la Krispy Kreme kruellers.

A drive through the Alpine Loop...

Costumes and scary teeth of all kinds...

Carving pumpkins and eating yummy food at Tim and Laura's house with Ryan's brothers and their families:

Spooky soccer scrimmages (Olivia's team likes to dress in their costumes to play some monster ball)...

Freezing at late soccer games (wishing I had remembered to pack this sweet girl a hat and a thermos full of hot chocolate!)...

Getting Halloween cards from Grandpa Cole...

And making and delivering lots and lots of caramel apples...

This year, I thought I was a genius and I (mostly) solved my pesky problem of the caramel sticking to the cellophane bags by putting the apples in a round, plastic 8 oz. deli container before bagging them. My goal for next year is to not get pulled over whilst traveling between friends' houses delivering said packaged apples.  Didn't get one this year? Make sure our paths cross next year during my two week caramel apple making blitz!

**What are your favorite fall traditions?
**Could Sophia look any cuter than she does wrapped up in that scarf?
**Did you make (or eat) caramel apples this year?

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