Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pierced Ears!

We decided several years ago that Olivia could get her ears pierced when she turned 10, but by the time that birthday came, she had seen Oprah getting her ears pierced and was convinced that it was too scary. I kept trying to tell her that it hurt, but just for a minute, and then it was done. She didn't believe me and decided to conduct her own research (interviewing everyone she knows).  Her young friends told her that it didn't hurt at all, so she felt all courageous and wanted to do it. By then soccer season had started and since she couldn't wear earrings during her games, she had to put it off.  Since fall soccer season ended a few weeks ago, she decided it was time.

I remember paying ten dollars or so to get my ears pierced, so I was shocked at the hefty price tag (but shouldn't have been, since they talked me into doing the 14K gold earrings instead of stainless steel... to which Ryan said, "What? There was a cheaper option!?"). Liv was so nervous and squeezed my hand so hard I thought it would fall off, but she let the worker do it.  Truth be told, I was a little worried that she would only let her pierce one of her ears.  After it was all over she told me that when her friends said it didn't hurt, they probably meant that it hurt, but just for a minute. Hmmmm, did I ever have or share that thought with her?  I guess the time of the mom knowing everything is over!

She looks pretty cute with a little bling in those ears!

1 comment:

  1. She looks darling! Way to go for being so brave. When Anna and Ashley got their's pierced, we made sure there were two ladies there to pierce at the same time so we could try and avoid going through it twice. I think Liv is even more of a champ to do it one at a time. And yes, isn't the price just crazy?!


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