We had a wonderful Christmas this year! We were able to spend time with most of our family members and are still enjoying visits from some of our out of town relatives.
The kids got their jams on Christmas Eve. Cozy!
This year Santa didn't bring much that our kids asked for (Olivia wanted a motor scooter (?!), an iPhone, and a whole long list of other out of reach things) and Coleman wanted Legos, Musopoly (a music version of Monopoly that is out of print), and a motor scooter (?!). Instead, Santa was tech savvy and brought our family a new printer that printed out (magically) a fun letter from Santa while we were looking at gifts. It said that he was going to send us to Disneyland in a few months! Hooray for Santa saving the day!
Of course we gave them some other fun things... these skirts are the cutest ever and were made by my friend Tina (who also happens to be my sister-in-law Laura's mom). You can check out more of her talents and beautiful creations at her website www.sewingtink.com. Coleman only had to open a few things of clothes (his and Ryan's worst nightmare for gifts at Christmas!).
One of my favorite things about the holidays is hearing from and seeing photos of friends and family members. We love our cards! Thank you!
This year I got to add another stocking to the mix! I had good foresight a few years ago when I made the stockings for the four of us and got enough materials to make a few more. Which one of these is not like the other? Despite several times picking re-sewing I couldn't get it to look like the others. It's a shorter stocking with an abnormally long foot. Sorry Soph! It held goodness just the same though :).
All in all it was a wonderful holiday! Hope yours was great too!
**Does Santa always bring things on your (or your kids') lists?
**Any suggestions to fix the stocking, or should I just admit defeat and start over?