Thursday, October 1, 2009

More Funny Stuff from the ER...

During our stay in the ER last month Ryan and I saw some signs that made me laugh (I'm sure I had already had my first dose of pain medicine...)

How can you look at the above pictures and not think it says "Our SKULLS....?" I did several double takes each time I saw it on the wall (in the ER room, in the X-Ray room... and finally in the CT room).

This Pain Assessment Scale screams out "Say eight!" (and you can't neglect the awesome drawings on the bottom... are there really people who smile or frown like that?).

And finally, the best of all... vinyl lettering that says it all... only they left off the latter part of the phrase. It should have read:


Kristy said...

Oh the things we learn in an ER! The last is sooo true. When I was recently sitting at the ER at Primary Childrens all I could think of was how sad that so many have to use it as their day to day healthcare plan....but thats another story and not quite so funny.

Linn said...

Now you have me laughing--and I'm not on any pain medication. Hope you are doing okay!

Rockelle said...

that is so funny all the pictures. I hope things are going well. I think of you every day!

Cheri said...

My first thought? Not really the kind of friend I want to have! Hope you guys are doing ok wish we could help:( I think of you every day. We keep you in our prayers always!! Love you guys

Fame said...

i'm sure some of the things doctors do make you REALLY good friends afterwards!

The Rich Family said...

I have been thinking about you since I caught up on your blog. I had to give myself shots DAILy of Lovenox with my last preganancy too. We need to chat. The bruising eventually goes away, even though it is very odd to see a black and blue pregnant belly. I had tests run and it is genetic. We must be related????? YOu are in my prayers